Administration is committed to holding free, fair, transparent and peaceful Lok Sabha Polls

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Will ensure strict enforcement of Model Code of Conduct during elections- Sakshi Sawhney

Ludhiana (Deepak Sathi). District Election OIfficer Sakshi Sahni committed holding free, fair, transparent and peaceful Lok Sabha Polls in Ludhiana. They say administration is full ready for the poll. They tell about this election in details.
1. A Look at Ludhiana parliamentary constituency:-
Ludhiana district comprises of total 14 state legislative assembly constituencies out of which following nine falls in Ludhiana Parliamentary Constituency –Ludhiana East -Ludhiana South ,-Atam Nagar, Ludhiana Central , Ludhiana West, Ludhiana North, Gill, Dakha and Jagraon.  The rest five constituencies which are as following falls in Fatehgarh Sahib Constituency, Khanna, Samrala, Sahnewal ,Payal and Raikot.  The total number of Electors in Ludhiana are as following as on 01.03.2024 in  Ludhiana District Total Voters are 2654344, male are 1415456, female  are 1238744 and third gender are 144. In  Ludhiana Parliamentary constituency Total voters are 1728619, male are 922005, female are 806484 and third gender are 130.

1. TEAMS WORKING FOR PREPARATION OF ELECTIONS- As model code of conduct has been enforced from today District Administration Ludhiana has created
Following teams for smooth and hassle free preparation of elections-
A. MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT ENFORCEMENT TEAM- has been created under the chairmanship of ADC (RD) who will be looking after strict enforcement of Model code of conduct by every citizens. Aspects such as general conduct of political parties and candidates, meetings and processions , rallies , use of
Vehicles etc will be monitored by ADC (RD) through AROs (Assistant Returning Officers).
A. EXPENDITURE MONITORING TEAM- has been created under chairmanship of ADC(RD) to ensure the compliance of candidates to the expenditure limits set by Election Commission of India i.e. Rs. 95 lakh/constituency. Lead district Manager (LDM) has been appointed as Nodal officer to coordinate with all the banks and receive daily reports from all the banks regarding transactions being carried out by candidates.
B. ELECTORAL BALLOT PAPER TEAM- has been created under chairmanship of District Revenue Officer ( DRO) who will be overseeing the work related to publishing and dispatch of electoral ballot papers.
C. COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE/GRIEVANCES CELL- has been created under the chairmanship of ADC (JAGRAON). To address any concerns or grievances related to the electoral process, a dedicated Complaints Cell (0161-2310430) has been established. This   cell will operate 24*7 and is committed to ensuring the proper implementation of the Model Code of Conduct. Citizens are encouraged to report any violations or issues they may encounter during the election period. Citizens can contact or file their complaint either through Helpline number 1950 or Email ID
Public can also lodge their complaints on C-VIGIL App of Election Commission of India. The C-Vigil (Citizens’ Vigil) app is an initiative launched by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to empower citizens to report violations of the
Model Code of Conduct (MCC) during elections. Here’s how the C-Vigil app works:
i. Download and Installation: Citizens can download the C-Vigil app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on their smartphones. The app is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all eligible voters.
ii. Reporting Violations: Once installed, users can use the app to report any violations of the Model Code of Conduct that they witness or become aware of. This could include incidents such as distribution of cash, liquor, or other bribes to voters, defacement of public property with campaign materials, or any other unlawful activity related to the electoral process.
iii. Capturing Evidence: When reporting a violation through the app, users are prompted to provide details about the incident, including the location, time, and nature of the violation. They can also upload photographic or video evidence directly through the app to substantiate their report.
iv. Submission to Authorities: Once the report is submitted through the app, it is transmitted in real-time to the concerned election authorities, including the District Election Officer and the Chief Electoral Officer. The Authorities can then take prompt action to investigate the reported violation and take appropriate measures to address it.
v. Tracking Complaints: Citizens can track the status of their complaints through the C-Vigil app. They receive updates on the actions taken by the election authorities in response to their reports, ensuring transparency and accountability in the resolution process.
vi. Protection of Whistleblowers: The C-Vigil app also includes measures to protect the identity of whistleblowers who report violations. Users can choose to remain anonymous while submitting their reports, thereby safeguarding them from any potential reprisals or harassment.
B. PERMISSIONS COMMITTEE- has been created under the leadership of ADC (JAGRAON) who will be handling the requests for permissions regarding Rallies, Proceedings, use of public places, use of vehicles etc. The requests will be served on first come first serve basis.
C. FLYING SQUADS TEAM- Total 27 FSTs will be operational in parliamentary constituency assembly Ludhiana and 42 FSTs will be operational in District Ludhiana. One FST comprises of 4 personnels coming from different different departments who In order to maintain constant vigilance and security, will be deployed round the clock to conduct checks at polling booths. These squads are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the electoral process proceeds without any hindrances or irregularities. Other than these Teams following nodal officers have been appointed to oversee and regulate different elections related activities-

1. Manpower Management ADC Jagraon
2. Training Management District Revenue Officer
3. Material Management XEN , PWD (B&R) Div-1
4. Transport Management RTO
5. Computerisation ,IT and
security District Informatics
6. SVEEP ADC Jagraon
7. Media District Public Relation
8. Communication Plan ADC Jagraon
9. Electoral Rolls Election Tehsildar
10. Polling Welfare District Welfare Officer
11. Medical Chief Medical Officer
12. Web Casting DTC
13. Nomination , Nomination area Barricading and
security SDM Ludhiana West
14. SMS Monitoring and
Communication RTO
15. Excise , liquor monitoring AETC Ludhiana West
and AETC Ludhiana East
16. Income tax Shri Anuragbachan
Singh Dhindsa

Other measures being undertaken to ensure free fair and transparent elections

A. Creation of Nakas (Check Points): To prevent any activities that may violate the Model Code of Conduct, 39 check points or Nakas have been established across the district with the joint efforts of Commissioner of police Ludhiana (21 Nakas) , SSP Khanna (10 Nakas) and SSP Rural/Jagraon (8 Nakas). We urge the public to extend their full cooperation during these checks, which are crucial for upholding the sanctity of the electoral process.
B. Booth Arrangements: A total of 2919 polling booths will be set up across the district to ensure hassle-free voting for all eligible citizens. These booths are strategically located to provide easy access to voters and facilitate a smooth voting experience. Out of these 1842 polling booths will cater to the Ludhiana Parliamentary Constituency.
C. SVEEP Activities- Extensive Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation i.e. SVEEP activities are being undertaken in whole district to encourage people to vote and to enroll those who have not yet joined the
Voters list. A nodal officer has been appointed in each assembly constituency to undertake the SVEEP activities.
D. DEPLOYMENT OF ADDITIONAL FORCES: – 1 coy CRPF has been deployed in Ludhiana Police Commissionerate while 2 battalions of BSF have been deployed in each of Khanna Police District and Ludhiana-Rural Police District. The District Election Office Ludhiana also urged All Political Parties, Candidates,  Politically active and associated persons and Common Citizens to adhere with following Guidelines of Model Code of Conduct to ensure free fair and Transparent elections.

General Conduct

1. No party or candidate shall include in any activity which may aggravate existing differences or create mutual hatred or cause tension between different castes and communities, religious or linguistic.
2. Criticism of other political parties, when made, shall be confined to their policies and programme, past record and work. Parties and Candidates shall refrain from criticism of all aspects of private life, not connected with the public activities of the leaders or workers of other parties.
Criticism of other parties or their workers based on unverified allegations or distortion shall be avoided.
3. There shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes. Mosques, Churches, Temples or other places of worship shall not be used as forum for election propaganda.
4. All parties and candidates shall avoid scrupulously all activities which are “corrupt practices” and offences under the election law, such as bribing of voters, intimidation of voters, impersonation of voters, canvassing
0Within 100 meters of polling stations, holding public meetings during the period of 48 hours ending with the hour fixed for the close of the poll, and the transport and conveyance of voters to and from polling station.
5. The right of every individual for peaceful and undisturbed home-life shall be respected, however much the political parties or candidates may resent his political opinions or activities. Organizing demonstrations or picketing before the houses of individuals by way of protesting against their opinions or activities shall not be resorted to under any
6. No political party or candidate shall permit its or his followers to make use of any individual’s land, building, compound wall etc., without his permission for erecting flag-staffs, suspending banners, pasting notices, writing slogans etc.
7. Political parties and candidates shall ensure that their supporters do not create obstructions in or break up meetings and processions organized by other parties. Workers or sympathisers of one political party shall not create disturbances at public meetings organized by another political party by putting questions orally or in writing or by distributing leaflets of their own party. Processions shall not be taken out by one party along places at which meetings are held by another party. Posters issued by one party shall not be removed by workers of another party.


1. The party or candidate shall inform the local police authorities of the venue and time any proposed meeting well in time so as to enable the police to make necessary arrangements for controlling traffic and maintaining peace and order.
2. A Party or candidate shall ascertain in advance if there is any restrictive or prohibitory order in force in the place proposed for the meeting if such orders exist, they shall be followed strictly. If any exemption is
Required from such orders, it shall be applied for and obtained well in time.
3. If permission or license is to be obtained for the use of loudspeakers or any other facility in connection with any proposed meeting, the party or candidate shall apply to the authority concerned well in advance and obtain such permission or license.
Organizers of a meeting shall invariably seek the assistance of the police on duty for dealing with persons disturbing a meeting of attempting to create disorder. Organizers themselves shall not take action against such persons.


1. A Party or candidate organizing a procession shall decide before hand the time and place of the starting of the procession, the route to be followed and the time and place at which the procession will terminate. There shall ordinary be no deviation from the programme.
2. The organizers shall give advance intimation to the local police authorities of the programme so as to enable the letter to make necessary arrangement.
3. The organizers shall ascertain if any restrictive orders are in force in the localities through which the procession has to pass, and shall comply with the restrictions unless exempted specially by the competent authority. Any traffic regulations or restrictions shall also be carefully adhered to.
4. The organizers shall take steps in advance to arrange for passage of the procession so that there is no block or hindrance to traffic. If the procession is very long, it shall be organized in segments of suitable
lengths, so that at convenient intervals, especially at points where the procession has to pass road junctions, the passage of held up traffic could be allowed by stages thus avoiding heavy traffic congestion.
5. Processions shall be so regulated as to keep as much to the right of the road as possible and the direction and advice of the police on duty shall be strictly complied with.
6. If two or more political parties or candidates propose to take processions over the same route or parts thereof at about the same time, the organizers shall establish contact well in advance and decide upon the measures to be taken to see that the processions do not clash or cause hindrance to traffic. The assistance of the local police shall be availed of for arriving at a satisfactory arrangement. For this purpose the parties shall contact the police at the earliest opportunity.
7. The political parties or candidates shall exercise control to the maximum extent possible in the matter of processions carrying articles which may be put to misuse by undesirable elements especially in moments of excitement.
8. The carrying of effigies purporting to represent member of other political parties or their leaders, burning such effigies in public and such other forms demonstration shall not be countenanced by any political party or candidate.

Polling Day

All Political parties and candidates shall –
1. Co-operate with the officers on election duty to ensure peaceful and orderly polling and complete freedom to the voters to exercise their franchise without being subjected to any annoyance or obstruction.
2. Supply to their authorized workers suitable badges or identity cards.
3. agree that the identity slip supplied by them to voters hall be on plain (white) paper and shall not contain any symbol, name of the candidate or the name of the party;
4. Refrain from serving or distributing liquor on polling day and during the forty eight hours preceding it.
5. Not allow unnecessary crowd to be collected near the camps set up by
The political parties and candidates near the polling booths so as to avoid Confrontation and tension among workers and sympathizers of the parties and the candidate.
6. Ensure that the candidate’s camps shall be simple .They shall not display any posters, flags, symbols or any other propaganda material. No eatable shall be served or crowd allowed at the camps and
7. Co-operate with the authorities in complying with the restrictions to be imposed on the plying of vehicles on the polling day and obtain permits for them which should be displayed prominently on those vehicles.

Meeting with Bankers

District Election Officer (DEO)-cum-Deputy Commissioner Sakshi Sawhney on Saturday directed the bank officers to provide details of suspicious transactions during elections.  Accompanied by Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum- Additional DEO Anmol Singh Dhaliwal, Sawhney held a meeting with the bank officers to apprise them about the instructions of the ECI. She asked them to report unusual and suspicious cash withdrawal or deposit of cash in an account exceeding Rs.1 lakh during the process of election, without any such instance of deposit or withdrawal during the last two months. Asking them for strict compliance of the ECI directions, the DEO said that an unusual transfer of amount by RTGS from one bank account to the accounts of several persons in a district/constituency during the poll process without any precedent of such transfer. Any deposit of cash or withdrawal of cash exceeding Rs. 1 lakh from bank account of candidates or spouses or his dependents, as mentioned in the affidavit filed by candidates, which is available in the CEO’s website, she added.  Any withdrawal of cash and deposit of cash exceeding Rs. 1 lakh in the account of political parties during the election process besides any other suspicious cash transactions, which might be used for bribing the elections, should be reported, she added.

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